Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Butterfly Effect

  An interesting topic that I came across from Heroes Season 3: Butterfly Effect episode. Where Peter Petrelli went back to the past to altered all the outcome that suppose to save the world from destruction but it become worst all because of the intervention done on Claire Bennet ,all the level 5 detainee are having fun outside the facility ! 

So when things happened ,accept it. Its pointless to change the outcome and it might get worse if you try to changed it.
Think you know the future? I'll bet you don't!

Save the cheerleader, save the world?,now its Save the cheerleader , Syler becomes invincible.

(Ah Yan sorry for the spoiler. you can skip this episode :p) 
Article of:-
Other Related Topics
Chaos Theory
(all the Links above are from Wikipedia)


sHeR said...

Don't say ma! Anti climax de..

Mephidross said...

tell you to watch ,you want to keep keep..f3