the Crime Scene,random coke splash on the ground
initial C.O.D excessive coke lost.T.O.D-2am,G.S.R-not found,W.O.C-not found
Holland was at Berlin house the night before.
Rasberry was lying on Berlin apartment floor snoring!
Taiwan heard the shouting yesterday.
Sexy Australia saw Holland went up to Berlin apartment.
Atlanta,Berlin neighbour wasnt at home.
Korean cant understand English!
the French don't bother to care!
Singapore came over..walao!
Nederland talking to himself with his language.
the Japanese...baka
the chinese came to see..meh si?
and so did everyone else.
The autopsy result on Berlin ,C.O.D(Cause Of Death):night before while Berlin was drinking a can of coke ,Berlin trip on Rasberry(which is sleeping on the floor) and hit Holland(alumminium body) before falling head(concrete) first.
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